Suggestopedia Italia

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Bibliografia essenziale



...................... G.Lozanov

Lozanov Georgi
Suggestology and outlines of Suggestopedy - Gordon & Breach, New York-London, 1978

Lozanov G. - Gateva E.
Metodo Suggestopedico per l'insegnamento delle lingue straniere
Bulzoni Editore, Roma, 1983

Lozanov Georgi
Suggestology and Suggestopedia, Theory and practice, Working document for the expert working group Sofia, 11/16 dicembre 1978
Rapporto finale UNESCO dicembre 1980.

Gateva Evelyna
Creating wholeness through art (Global artistic creation of the educationale training process). Accelereted Learning Systems, Ltd, London-Minneapolis, 1991.

Proceedings of the
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SUGGESTOPEDIA, Salzburg, October 26-28, 1990, Stiftelsen Pedagogisk Utveckling, Box 30, S-815 00 Tierp, Sweden.

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